Saturday, September 27, 2008

F1 frenzy

hey all! F1 is here and bet those race fanatics are all geared up for the world's first night race right here in singapore! that's right, not only that, u'll get to see all those famous racers getting ready for the three day event. and i was so lucky to be a metre away from lewis hamilton and inches from nic rosberg and so many other racers all over the globe. *brag brag brag* haha i know... guess that's the closest i can get to them cos i was kinda professional security at that time of sweep. actually, they're kinda short in person but built. so exciting seeing all the action from the paddock and of course live on tv for those of u who r smart enough not to spend unnecessary money for a glimpse of blurred vision. haha. good for u!

watched vicky cristina barcelona on fri with sam and kf, and had astons and toast with jamie, weili. vcb was rather good. i didn't know wad to expect at first but came out of the cinema knowing y i was lured to it in the first place. it presents 2 friends seeking new life in barcelona when they ended up growing fond of new friends despite attachments back at home. they remain the same with their intentions strong in mind yet dealing with uncertainties as they return. well, the morale i get is that one should live for oneself without bothering how others label u as long as it's just and most importantly it provides your trailing happiness.

enjoy life ppl, and as wad they always say, never live your life with regrets, instead live it to the fullest!

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