and we ordered food! yum! roast duck pizza, seafood platter, timbre wings, kebabs, louisiana fries, 2 jugs of heiniken... simply deliciouso!
ok... looks good right? tastes great too! but the main focus is on the ppl which i'm so getting back to. so, being unsuspicious of anything, thinking it was just a normal outing, they shocked me by flashing out a yellow box tied nicely with ribbons and messages over it. so touched i tell u... almost cried when i found out wad the outing was about! so, tons of photos were taken before i had the 'opening ceremony'. it was great fun! having superstar dreams, the non-stop paparazzi flashing of all 3 cameras at the same time did just the trick! so i took the box of gifts while they held their letters for me!
with james!
with cara!
with jiajia!
with keng foo!
and guess wad i got...
guess wad this is... condoms! haha. they r so cheeky. more to come!
and a tiger print G-string! ha!
another zebra one!
and a bling superstar notebook... nice, and suits my zanny character!
and a cardigan, and i've always wanted to get one!
and how do i look?
and of course, after that, loads of cam-whoring. wad great fun! even all the way to posing with posters in raffles city!
once again, i really wanna thank the 4 of u for the wonderful night! really appreciate it! thanks for the prezzies and the meal! love them. but none of the gifts can be compared to the greatest of them all, which is the friendship among us! the company was the main focus, cos without the support of u guys, i wouldn't have come that far! cara and jiajia, thx for making my life at cavern so memorable. it was u all that kept me going for a while working there. and thx for being such great friends! kf and jamie, u know we've come a long way and i can't thank u enough for all the help u've given me through all the hard times i had. my life wouldn't have been so happy if not for u both! best friends forever! ok... i know that sounded really childish but who cares!
really will miss u all when i leave! *sobs*
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